Welcome to CampaignDocs eRetrieval™!
Pursuant to Government Code Section § 84615 Campaign Reports and Statements – Electronic Filing for Local Agencies, Merced County is pleased to offer Campaign Disclosure Statements available via the web, free of charge via SouthTech Systems’ eRetrieval™. You can access the County's Campaign Statements electronically, 24/7, from the comfort of your own desktop or mobile device!
SouthTech Systems’ eRetrieval™ offers simplistic, yet comprehensive search functions in order to provide members of the public with redacted copies of Campaign Statements filed with the County. Each search module has “Search Tips” listed to better aid the public in search specifications and what the results might contain.
eRetrieval™ also offers an “Advanced Search” that will allow members of the public to search specific Contribution or Expenditure amounts for electronically filed statements, and download excel versions of the queried information contained on a form-by-form basis.
What is available via eRetrieval™?
- Campaign Disclosure Statements for all Filers who have filing requirements with Merced County.
What is not available via eRetrieval™?
State Filers’ Campaign Statements – State filings are available on the Secretary of State’s website.
Thank you! We hope you enjoy using our system!